HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani said that last year witnessed significant developments in the legislative field for the promotion and protection of human rights in the State of Qatar, namely the State's accession to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the promulgation of the Law on the Regulation of Political Asylum.
In a statement to the high-level segment of the 40th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva today, HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs said that within the framework of promoting the rights of expatriate workers, the permanent residency law was issued and the law regulating the entry and exit of expatriates was amended, including the cancellation of exit permits, and a law was passed to establish a fund to support and secure labourers . HE also said that the cabinet issued a decision to form committees to resolve labor disputes, pointing out that the national efforts are about to complete the development of a national plan of action for human rights will be a strategic approach to the process of promotion and protection of human rights in the State of Qatar.
He said, "despite the exceptional circumstances that my country is experiencing because of the illegal blockade and unilateral measures taken by the blockading countries and violations of human rights instruments, the process of development and progress are witnessed by the State of Qatar, thanks to its wise leadership and it is moving towards a transformation of the State of Qatar into a country capable of achieving the sustainable development of its people generation after generation in accordance with the Qatar National Vision 2030. "The State of Qatar has maintained its advanced positions in human development indicators at the international and regional levels, and continued its efforts as an active international partner in efforts to achieve peace and stability and to provide development and humanitarian assistance, HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs underlined.
HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs added that the State of Qatar has strengthened strategic partnership with international organizations to achieve international peace and security, promote and protect human rights, and achieve sustainable development. He noted that the State of Qatar was keen to contribute to strengthening the capacities of the United Nations and the international community to meet the global challenges in the humanitarian and development sectors. In December, it pledged $ 500 million in financial support over several years to fund and support a number of UN humanitarian funds, the next phase will witness the opening of the United Nations House in Doha, which will include representation offices of a number of United Nations bodies, which will enhance their ability to implement their regional and international activities and programs.
HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs said : "The international community has recognized the invalidity of the allegations made by the illegal blockade imposed on the State of Qatar, almost two years after the imposition of illegal unilateral measures against the citizens and residents of the State of Qatar to undermine the sovereignty, security and stability of the State.
HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani emphasized that these measures undoubtedly contravene the rules of international law, the Charter of the United Nations and human rights treaties, in particular the principles of equality and the prevention of discrimination, which their effects have not only threatened peace and security in the region but have also threatened the social fabric and inherited emotional interdependence among the families in the region for hundreds of years, noting the importance of the international mechanisms to restore the rights of owners and compensation of those affected and hold those responsible for those illegal measures.
HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani stressed that the State of Qatar still believes in the need to reach a comprehensive solution to the Gulf crisis based on respect for the sovereignty of States, political independence and non-interference in their internal affairs.
His Excellency praised the mediation efforts exerted by HH the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, expressing the hope that these noble endeavors would be successful.
This session is being held in the face of serious challenges to human rights in light of the increasing violations of these rights in many regions of the world, especially those experiencing armed conflicts and not holding those responsible accountable," he said.
HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs added : "While we commend the joint efforts of all of us to strengthen the role of this Council to achieve its objectives in the protection of human rights, the grave challenges facing these rights require further efforts to achieve the lofty goals of this Council, and Qatar views this Council as a key United Nations mechanism for human rights protection if its mandate, mechanisms and potentials are used optimally. "
HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs stated that international peace and security were fundamental pillars of the promotion of human rights and no doubt that the failure of mechanisms for the maintaining peace and security in the United Nations system was an obstacle to halting human rights violations and holding those responsible accountable.
HE noted that the gross violations of human rights continued to be perpetrated against the brotherly Palestinian people, as Israel, the occupying force, continued to build settlements, the unjust siege of the Gaza Strip, kill peaceful Palestinian demonstrators and attempt to change the demographic and political character of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in flagrant violation of international law and relevant Security Council resolutions.
He stressed that the State of Qatar stresses the continuation of its efforts and policies aimed at achieving peace and stability in the Middle East and finding a just, comprehensive and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue based on the resolutions of international legitimacy, foremost of which are the principle of a two-state solution, the restoration of all its inalienable rights, and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.
HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs warned that the international community was still unable to protect the Syrian people from the crimes, torture and forced displacement they have suffered since 2011 in complete impunity for the perpetrators of these crimes. The international community must ensure that all those responsible for these violations and crimes are held accountable and brought to international criminal justice "We are certain that the day when the civilized world will be held accountable for its silence on these crimes is not far away," he added.
HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs said that the State of Qatar reaffirms its full support for all efforts aimed at reaching a political solution to the Syrian crisis based on the Geneva Declaration and relevant Security Council resolutions, including the need to abide by international humanitarian law to protect civilians and to meet the legitimate aspirations of the brotherly Syrian people and it preserves Syria's unity, sovereignty and independence.
HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani said, "In light of the State of Qatar's keenness on the unity, independence and territorial integrity of Yemen, we reaffirm our full support for all efforts aimed at restoring its security and stability and moving forward towards building the rule of law, respect for human rights and achieving peace, stability and development. "We welcome the Swedish agreement as a first step to achieve peace and stability for the brotherly Yemeni people and we call upon all Yemeni parties to give priority to the national interest on narrow considerations and interests to reach national reconciliation and political settlement that ends the futile war and stop all violations and crimes against the brotherly Yemeni people".
HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs said that the globalization of terrorism and the credibility of the international community in confronting it necessitates tackling its real causes, working to deepen the concepts of human rights, mobilizing all efforts to defend and protect them, and commitment to a link between human rights and their universality as that is all the guarantee of respect for human dignity and for the promotion of justice .
"It is unacceptable that the war on terrorism becomes a pretext for new violations and violations in the field of human rights. In this context, defending human values, as is internationally recognized, and against all forms of extremism and manifestations of terrorism, should be carried out through the means of law.", he noted.
HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs affirmed that Qatar's firm belief in the promotion and protection of human rights will continue to be one of the most important pillars of its national policy and international relations.